Saturday, July 2, 2011

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  • satish_hello
    10-12 01:18 AM
    One of my friend got this message like for his EAD only.


    Current Status: We mailed you a decision.

    On October 11, 2007, we mailed you a decision on your I765, APPLICATION FOR EMPLOYMENT AUTHORIZATION. Please follow the instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, please contact customer service.

    Can you guys tell me what does it mean, he is too worried.


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  • eb3_2004
    03-25 07:36 PM
    I am EB3 India--OCt 2004...My hopes are dwindling...let's see...

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  • anilsal
    03-09 09:32 AM
    I know many people are averse to talking to their lawmakers because of unknown fears(totally wrong thing to do...there is nothing to be afraid of)

    Come on, if you are not strong enough to talk to your congress rep and/or his staff, then you need to evaluate yourself.

    Yesterday, I did talk to a bunch of office people for a congress rep who is a republican (and still evaluating CIR) and they were very impressed with my knowledge of the issues and hearings happening in the senate/congress etc. I may have moved that congress man's decision towards supporting CIR. Just get yourself acquainted with what is happening with immigration in the hearings - know who the key players are etc AND then just talk to the office people/staff dealing with immigration for the congress reps. The worst that can happen is that they may disagree with you. But they will not ill treat you in any way.

    Now show some depth - contribute your time and money to IV.

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  • va_dude
    06-26 09:43 AM
    The way i understand this, not all companies are bound by the EOE laws.
    Certain conditions have to be met to be considered an EOE.

    Not every employer is an equal opp employer, so those guys can hire whoever they want.
    Besides hiring folks on h1b, etc could add to costs for employers. So they choose not to employ such folks.


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  • Aah_GC
    05-08 02:33 PM
    lets get together and do something please.. we need to act this month..

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  • TheOmbudsman
    10-25 09:10 PM
    "The market has a way of regulating itself".
    That is probably the most absurd thing said in this forum.

    Purgan, please do some basic research and you will see you are plain wrong. There is no way you will see your dream coming true. Govenment intervention when it comes to regulate the influx of foreign labor is everywhere. It is controlled. You just allow less or more people coming in and that is fair. If you allow the gates of a third world country to open for good and flood this with programmers to a point where you would be making $10/hour, nobody sane wants to get downgraded to that level. Foreigners with a funny accent like us would be competing for jobs. Probably employers would love and exploited people in the third world countries would love that, but I have to tell you things don't work that way.

    Similar polls were conducted by Zogby, CNN, etc. I outlined other evidences there. Only individuals with an open mind can read between the lines though.

    when american's from such third rate schools are not getting jobs, do you seriously think foreigners with their funny accents and relatively poor English communication skills (I'm Indian and can tell you its still a second language to me) can get jobs??

    The market has a way of regulating itself. As someone mentioned above, there were a a lot of H1 space available from 2001-03. But it never got filled because there were simply not enough jobs. Lets not try to set up govenment intervention here....let the free market decide....that is what made this country great.

    btw, NumbersuSA, FAIR and other restrictionist organizations have zero credibility because they oppose even legal immigration.

    That poll....don't impress me much...


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  • sss9i
    11-21 07:18 PM
    Please think workable plan

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  • GCStatus
    09-15 04:30 PM
    I am very new to this forum and have been spending some time here just over the past few weeks. I am trying to learn the ropes of this EB green card system. As someone pointed, I belong to those on the "fence" not knowing what or how to be effective with my time and money in these efforts. I like this thread and I think I want to begin my involvement through this effort.

    My opinion is that we don't need a 1000 people to contribute to reach $100000 for the effort. Those who are willing to give $100 would not, I think, hesitate to give another $100 or even more to speed up the process. I for one will contribute $200 and if necessary more for this effort.

    Bingo Murali and welcome

    Man-woman-gc just gave a ballpark - 100 is bare minimum, of course more than that is always welcome, i see a 500 dollars too ;-)


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  • dehradoon
    10-08 05:54 PM
    All EB categories will be current all the time. As soon as a I485 EB case is filed the visa number should be allocated to the first 8000 odd cases for that category based on the PD of application. If a new case is filed tomorrow with a old PD he will get the visa number and the last guys application will move to waiting list. At the beginning of the year all visa numbers are allocated and nothing is wasted, even if the case is having issues like RFE, FBI check, etc the applicant knows that once cleared he will get his GC.

    Can you explain why you think the lawyers will laugh it off? Or is it just that you say it because someone is saying something which you don't agree with?

    A clarification regarding the flower campaign. I said the AILA law suit and the congresswomen letter to the chief also had lot of weight. It is just not the flower campaign for your information, if you beleive so it is your opinion just like I have mine.

    Correction, 25% of the less than 8000 visa numbers. First is the per country quota then its the distribution by quaters.

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  • a2006
    05-02 03:19 PM


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  • GCneeded
    05-23 01:04 PM
    Sent Email to all 10 senators + 2 senators from CA

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  • ramprabhum
    07-20 12:04 PM
    I am a new member joining the IV team.

    Thanks for all the efforts taken by IV core team for our legal immigration problems. I want to contribute some money to reimburse Mr.Aman who had taken excellent efforts for us.

    Hats off to you AMAN.

    Can anyone guide me on how to make this contribution.


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  • cal97
    11-07 05:54 PM
    I took an infopass appointment today. The IO sent an e-mail to NSC after taking details like DOB, address etc. for me and my wife.

    btw, FP for us has been scheduled. Looks like they have some kind of a queue for that but a notice has not been sent out.

    So that was it. Am going to wait it out patiently.

    I had taken an infopass appointment after filing an SR. All the IO said was I should call NSC. I don't think the IO's at the local USCIS office can issue FP notices.

    Shall try again sometime this week or next and update the same here. I am a NSC->CSC->NSC transferee.

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  • wait4ever
    09-03 08:54 PM
    Did you receive teh physical cards by now?

    My Case:

    08/12/08 - Approval Notice Sent message (This is the only message I got)
    08/18/08 - Received the Approval notice by post

    No cards till now...:confused:

    I actually spoke to Customer service and I got 2 very different responses.

    1. Wait till you are an old man and then the cards may just come !! (Just Kidding ) she actually said wait for 90 days.

    2. Another CSR told me that the TSC is having technical issues and they are not able to access the Biometric information on approved 485's in their systems. She advised me to download Form I-90 from the USCIS site and fill that in and send it in - if you have a minor on the petition then also send 2 passport size pictures of the minor - this will allow them to access the Biometric screen when they process the I-90. We will get Biometric notices and the Minor will get the card - the Grown ups will get the Cards after the Biometrics are uploaded.

    I have not done this - eventhough I downloaded the I-90 forms - I took a INFOPASS appt and if they suggest that I should do a I-90 then I can get that done right on the spot - I am carrying the filled I-90 with me. Anyhow I-90 is usually submitted to correct errors on the card or to replace a card - however this woman sounded quite knowledgeable - but then there are issues realted to where the I-90 should be sent - this is specially complicated if your case has been transferred a few times like mine was.

    Best is to check with the guys/gals at Infopass -meeting.

    All this was from the rep at the TSC - so not sure if this is applicable to all centers.


    I will post my Infoapss exp on the 9th of september.


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  • shortchanged
    08-08 10:20 PM
    Has anyone with approval from 08/01 received welcome letter or card? My husband's I485 was approved on 08/04 but no letter or card yet. Also, mine and my son's cases are still pending, opened SR and will take infopass next week.
    I, wife and son got cards today 8/8/8 in USPS.

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  • pyaradesi
    07-19 10:09 PM

    If GCs were sold in stores I would buy you and your family a bunch of them.
    You are in the EB3 category, do you ever wonder why somebody who is more educated than you or me, makes more money? Can we say, hey you I was born in 1890 I should make more money, it does not fly, EB3 is not a reflection on your skills but more the job you hold.

    The question you should ask is why have EB1, 2, 3, etc?

    Why do you not include the family based categories, isn't family first, why not the EB spill over to to FB first then whatever trickles down comes to EB, is not this fair? I am sure there are a lot in the FB queue who have waited for longer than you. Now dont tell you you are better than FB because you are highly skilled, pay taxes, etc.

    You signed up for this knowing what was in store.
    You think writing a letter or starting up a thread is going to help?

    I just wonder, is IV some kind of therapy? something like weightwatchers,
    maybe we should call ourselves GCWatchers, for frustrated GC folks from India.

    Tell me this, are your bosses fools to sponsor you in EB3, do they not know it will take years? No they are not, ask yourself why?

    India is shining, not a bad proposition at all.


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  • desiguy22042
    09-22 10:38 PM
    I am happy to announce that I have received the EAD cards today (just like rc0878 had suggested). I should not have doubted the encouragement and estimation of the experience here.
    So, I received the EAD cards dated Sept 18th, expiry is one year from the issue date i.e. Sept 17th, 2008 (unlike someone else's cards which were valid for only 3 months).
    Let me know if someone wants to ask any other information.
    thanks again. :D

    I received my (and my family's) transfer notice (and hence the WAC### nos.) for 485 application yesterday at my residence. The cases were filed in CA by my lawyer (filing from MD). The cases have been transferred to TX.

    I am yet to receive any notice/tracking no. for EAD and AP applications. The checks were made by the lawyer so that is not an option.

    1) Does transfer mean delay in processing ?
    2) Is EAD tracking no. different from the 485 no. ? If so, where can I get that from ?
    3) Are they still issuing EADs in about a couple of months ? If so, that is great. If not, when does the 90-day clock start for INFOPASS ? (if it is an option in this incresed activity)

    Any answers or discussions or links to the solutions are welcome.

    Good luck to everyone for the speedy processing.:D

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  • asdf123
    09-14 08:57 AM
    where did you file at NSC or TSC?

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  • Ushakiran
    05-10 11:36 AM
    If IV has any plan to remove the unfair 7% quota by either lawsuit and/or lobby, I will donate $ 200 as well.

    7% quota based on national origin is based on law but it is clearly a biased and outdated law. It is beyond my comprehension why should we scared of initiating a litigation against the US government when it is clearly involved in blatant discrimination. The HSMP rules were challenged successfully by Indian high skilled workers in UK, why can't we do the same over here? I pledge to donate USD 200 for a lawsuit if such an action is initiated.

    05-23 11:20 PM
    It was very easy and simple.


    01-21 03:30 PM

    I dont have access to the certified labor copy , I am just wondering if we need it for AC21 purposes. I am not sure how to get it from my desi employer/ desi lawyer. I have a job offer with a fortune 200 company which is willing to do H1b transfer/extension so I am opting for H1b instead of EAD. I am pretty sure about the job description will satisfy the same/similar test.
    Is the job title and job description mentioned on the labor cert? Mine is a pre perm case. Is it good to have copy of labor cert for AC21?

    This is the question I have too. I have certified PERM copy with me, but I dont think I have the cover letter (job duties) for the PERM. Using AC21, what duties should be written by the new company? One field I see on ceritifed labor is "Non technical job duties".

    Any suggestions?

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